Supported System Software: 2.0 through 7.0.1, 7.1, 7.1.1, 7.5, 7.5.1, 7.5.3 SCSI: DB-25 Serial Ports: 2 Sound Output: mono 8 bit. ADB: 2 Ethernet: none Machine Gestalt ID: 5 Minutiae: Upgraded two SIMMs at a time. Comes with 1MB of RAM, consisting of four 256KB SIMMs. On early SE models when 1MB SIMMs are installed, the 256KB resistor must be clipped to enable recognition of the higher density SIMMs. On later SEs a jumper block is used to select either high or low density SIMMs. Consult the installation guide. This computer contains a 16-bit SE Processor Direct Slot (PDS). Serial Port with the phone icon supports synchronous operation, and handshaking is supported on both the output and input. Has 256KB of ROM and an 800KB floppy. Later models contain an Apple 1.44MB SuperDrive.